'NWDS+Subclipse'에 해당되는 글 5건
- 2011.10.11 [SVN] Update되지 않는 디렉토리가 있는 경우
- 2011.10.05 [SVN] RA layer file already exists
- 2011.10.05 [SVN] Your file or directory '...' is probably out-of-date
- 2011.10.05 [SVN] 커밋되지 않은 디렉토리
- 2011.10.05 [SVN] RA layer request failed
- [SVN] Update되지 않는 디렉토리가 있는 경우
- 日常茶飯事
- 2011. 10. 11. 00:29
//dist 디렉토리를 업데이트받는데 에러 발생
update -r HEAD D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist
Obstructed update
svn: Failed to add directory 'D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/pagelet/test': object of the same name already exists
//에러나는 디렉토리에서 업데이트를 해도 에러 발생
update -r HEAD D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/pagelet
Obstructed update
svn: Failed to add directory 'D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/pagelet/test': object of the same name already exists
//삭제도 안됨.
delete --force D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/pagelet/test
D D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/pagelet/test/excel.jsp
D D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/pagelet/test/list.jsp
Unmergeable scheduling requested on an entry
svn: 'test' is not under version control
//해당 디렉토리를 직접 삭제한 뒤 업데이트를 한다.
//에러가 발생하던 test 디렉토리가 다시 생겼고 파일이 업데이트되었음.
update -r HEAD D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist
A D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/pagelet/test
A D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/pagelet/test/excel.jsp
A D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/pagelet/test/list.jsp
U D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/portalapp.xml
Updated to revision 208.
update -r HEAD D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist
Obstructed update
svn: Failed to add directory 'D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/pagelet/test': object of the same name already exists
//에러나는 디렉토리에서 업데이트를 해도 에러 발생
update -r HEAD D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/pagelet
Obstructed update
svn: Failed to add directory 'D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/pagelet/test': object of the same name already exists
//삭제도 안됨.
delete --force D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/pagelet/test
D D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/pagelet/test/excel.jsp
D D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/pagelet/test/list.jsp
Unmergeable scheduling requested on an entry
svn: 'test' is not under version control
//해당 디렉토리를 직접 삭제한 뒤 업데이트를 한다.
//에러가 발생하던 test 디렉토리가 다시 생겼고 파일이 업데이트되었음.
update -r HEAD D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist
A D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/pagelet/test
A D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/pagelet/test/excel.jsp
A D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/pagelet/test/list.jsp
U D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/portalapp.xml
Updated to revision 208.
- [SVN] RA layer file already exists
- 日常茶飯事
- 2011. 10. 5. 10:02
commit -m "" D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/src.core/net/test/TestComponent.java
Adding D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/src.core/net/test/TestComponent.java
RA layer file already exists
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: File '/svn/TestRop/prt.xxx/trunk/src.core/net/test/TestComponent.java' already exists
Adding D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/src.core/net/test/TestComponent.java
RA layer file already exists
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: File '/svn/TestRop/prt.xxx/trunk/src.core/net/test/TestComponent.java' already exists
- 환경 : NWDS + Subclipse_0.9.3.3
- 특정 파일이 커밋이 안됨.
- 해당 파일 Update 비활성화
- Revert를 해도 변동없음.
- 해당 패키지를 Update 하면 다음과 같은 에러 발생
update -r HEAD D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/src.core/net/test
Obstructed update
svn: Failed to add file 'D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/src.core/net/test/TestComponent.java': object of the same name already exists
Obstructed update
svn: Failed to add file 'D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/src.core/net/test/TestComponent.java': object of the same name already exists
- 저장소에서 해당 파일을 찾아보면 이미 존재하고 있음.
저장소의 파일과 작업본의 파일을 비교해 보면 동일하다.
그래서 작업본에서 해당 파일을 삭제하고 Update 받아서 해결함.
- Cleanup 으로 하면 된다고도 함.
- [SVN] Your file or directory '...' is probably out-of-date
- 日常茶飯事
- 2011. 10. 5. 05:32
commit -m "" D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/src.core/net/test/TestDAO.java
Sending D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/src.core/net/test/TestDAO.java
Merge conflict during commit
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Your file or directory 'TestDAO.java' is probably out-of-date
The version resource does not correspond to the resource within the transaction. Either the requested version resource is out of date (needs to be updated), or the requested version resource is newer than the transaction root (restart the commit).
Sending D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/src.core/net/test/TestDAO.java
Merge conflict during commit
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Your file or directory 'TestDAO.java' is probably out-of-date
The version resource does not correspond to the resource within the transaction. Either the requested version resource is out of date (needs to be updated), or the requested version resource is newer than the transaction root (restart the commit).
- 환경 : NWDS + Subclipse_0.9.3.3
- 충돌 발생
- Update, Revert 하면 충돌파일 사라짐.
- 해당 파일은 수정전으로 돌아감.
수정한 내용을 붙여넣고 커밋했음.
[todo] 파일을 복사해 넣어도 되지 않았을까?
- [SVN] 커밋되지 않은 디렉토리
- 日常茶飯事
- 2011. 10. 5. 05:31
/dist/PORTAL-INF/jsp/xxx/ 에 있는 파일들에 대해 분명히 커밋했는데 다른 계정에서 Update를 해도 안들어옴.
xxx/ 에 대해서 버전 관리가 제대로 되지 않는거 같다.
저장소에 xxx/ 가 없다.
이클립스(NWDS)상에서 삭제가 되지도 않는다.
- 탐색기에서 삭제하고 다시 commit 한다.
반드시 commit 된 리비전을 확인할 것!
xxx/ 에 대해서 버전 관리가 제대로 되지 않는거 같다.
저장소에 xxx/ 가 없다.
이클립스(NWDS)상에서 삭제가 되지도 않는다.
delete --force D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/jsp/board
D D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/jsp/board/excelDownload.jsp
D D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/jsp/board/list.jsp
D D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/jsp/board/view.jsp
Unmergeable scheduling requested on an entry
svn: 'board' is not under version control
D D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/jsp/board/excelDownload.jsp
D D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/jsp/board/list.jsp
D D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/jsp/board/view.jsp
Unmergeable scheduling requested on an entry
svn: 'board' is not under version control
- 탐색기에서 삭제하고 다시 commit 한다.
commit -m "" D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/jsp
Adding D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/jsp/board
Adding D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/jsp/board/view.jsp
Adding D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/jsp/board/list.jsp
Adding D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/jsp/board/excelDownload.jsp
Transmitting file data ...
Committed revision 134.
board/ 가 추가되었다.Adding D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/jsp/board
Adding D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/jsp/board/view.jsp
Adding D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/jsp/board/list.jsp
Adding D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/dist/PORTAL-INF/jsp/board/excelDownload.jsp
Transmitting file data ...
Committed revision 134.
반드시 commit 된 리비전을 확인할 것!
- [SVN] RA layer request failed
- 日常茶飯事
- 2011. 10. 5. 05:30
commit -m "작업한 소스 올림" D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/src.core/net/test/util
Adding D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/src.core/net/test/util
RA layer request failed
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: MKCOL of '/svn/TestRop/!svn/wrk/abc-dcd-wijl/prt.xxx/trunk/src.core/net/test/util': 405 Method Not Allowed (
Adding D:/reps/nwds/prt.xxx/src.core/net/test/util
RA layer request failed
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: MKCOL of '/svn/TestRop/!svn/wrk/abc-dcd-wijl/prt.xxx/trunk/src.core/net/test/util': 405 Method Not Allowed (
- 저장소에 동일한 소스가 있음.
- 소스, 패키지 지우고 상위 디렉토리에서 Update
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